Saturday, September 15, 2007

Not a word more............

What's the point in disappearing after a date?

A few things you can conclude after that are:

1. You are as ugly as you dont deserve to be answered your phone calls, even your sms or emails.
2. You're too annoying!
3. You said something really, really bad.
4. You DID something really, really bad.
5. All of the above.

More surprisingly is that silence when it comes after a quiet nice date. Something had to be really bad.

And the subtle silence is not clear enough to get the answer. And you have no clue if you can improve something, not for your date (He's lost now anyway) but for yourself.

Why is it that hard to say someone you don't wanna see him anymore? Any spoken excuse is way better than that weird silence.

Guys! Learn to close circles! Don't make assumptions. Loose your uptight ass and let go simple words off your mouth like "See ya around, mate". Simple and direct.


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