Sunday, September 23, 2007

Not worse... just different... too different...

Chris saw my profile and sent me a message saying that he would love to have sex with me. Loud and clear. Flattering, isn't it? He's not bad looking, so I sent a message saying that I would like to meet him sometime. Who wouldn't do that?

Nothing strange so far.

BUT, Chris replied quickly. We exchanged MSN IDs. He can travel to Sydney from Bateman's Bay if I lend him 60 bucks for gas. Or we could wait till he have money. Too pushy, too insistant... I knew he could never show up again, but I decided to bet in his favour and make the deposit. After all he send sms's like "Please forgive me. I will pay you back. I feel so bad now." I still have it, lol, like a reminder.

He showed up. Under the rain he arrived to my place and he acted charming and loving. The hours we were together were hot and charming. He made a lot of compliments, smiles and plans. Too many for such a short time. Late that night he said he had to leave and go to his friend's before she went to bed. OK. He left naming plans to do something the next day and under the rain with my umbrella.

The next day I only received this message: "Someone crashed into my car and now I am at the police station sorting out the problem. I will have to call you later sorry". I am still waiting for that call.

I've called him a couple of times since then tho. But he never says anything. He knows who's calling. He blocked my MSN 'coz he's never been online since then. He erased his profile in this website. And of course, that money is lost.

Even another guy from the same website turned out to know Chris. I told him to tell Chris to contact me, which he did. Now Chris is avoiding this other guy also.........

Go figure.


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